
Vega$ Success, by the numbers

Number of hands of Let it Ride vs. number won: 20/0
Number of sports bets made vs. number won: 2/0
Number of martinis consumed Saturday night: 4
Number of hangovers suffered: 0 (I rule!)
Number of eggs & potatoes meals consumed cause there are no veg options in Vega$: 3
Number of strangers danced with in a bank of slot machines: 1
Amount won playing roulette: $200ish (what!?!?!)
Percentage chance that I will go back to Vega$ next year: 1000%


  1. LOL!!!! oooooh, i LOVE this! i'm glad you won some monies!!!!

    also, i would like a McG's weekend by the numbers every week. thank you.

  2. I forgot!
    Number of drunk txts sent to poor friends: about 300
    Number of drunk txts that made no sense the next day: only 3

  3. the 3 that made no sense the next day must have been to other peeps..i was able to figure mine out...i think!
