
How I love myself!

Hi, this is The Position...experienced nerd, incredible person and enjoyer of all things me. I'm also the co-creator of this amazing blog!

It all started when I was 5 and a half. Everyone in my family was older and busy, and I was like, "You know what, self? I'm fucking awesome!!!!"

From there I was inspired to change the world in all sorts of ways, from writing about myself, to drawing about myself, to starring in several one-man shows dedicated to The Life & Times of Myself. The most recent attempt won a Screenie!
The Position, age unkown
It was only natural for me to find all sorts of outlets to talk about myself, so about four years ago I signed up for every social network and blogging company there is. I'm working on a book and soon you can see The Life & Times of Myself on vimeo, youtube and at Cannes.

I promise to write more about myself as often as I can. Check back!


McG & P Win!

McG and P accept the award for the Most Time Ever Spent On A 2 Minute Screencast That Will Never Be Watched.

McG says "I'd like to thank Camtasia, and my poor overworked MacBook, and P for her vision and guidance. I'd like to NOT thank Joni, cause I am sick of hearing her stupid voice. Aren't my feathers badass?"


The Queen

likes slow pans and wine-sniffin'.