
A Very Special Weekend Post #2

I want half the clothes in this ad. Also, ALL THE GLASSES ARE THE SAME.


A Very Special Weekend Post: I Don't Understand???

1. Why are Burt Reynolds and Judd Nelson hanging out?
2. "You WOULD like a batting cage..." what does THAT mean???
3. "Chug-a-lug"?
4. MULLETS. I call Drug Dealer, you can have loser suburban coke kid.
5. I like how dad's slurping on a scotch when the kid says he has a problem.
6. Why does the computer say "NO MORE DRUGS"? Does that actually convince anybody?
7. I thought they were really going to go for a drink afterwards for a moment, which is awesome.

(PS. Judd Nelson looks like Roy from the nose up, which always weirds me out!!!)


I've had a rough day.

Gimme a crayfish!
And keep 'em coming.

Oh, and can I also get a beer when you get a chance?

An idea for your next anniversary, MacGruber:

Get in an infinity pool and let your hands do the talking. Or are they walking?
Don't forget your Lee® Press-Ons.


P, Have you ever sent a fax from the beach?

Your Reed Rothchild video made me think of this!!! (Also: isn't it cool how much of this has come true???)

Monday Coolness


Hey P! Wanna hang out after school?

I hear there are some funky guys dancing outside the school. Bring your tennis racket.

I can't wait until P is done with this stupid project


Things I can't do without P

1. Find a picture of a telephone
2. Sing the Dukes of Hazzard theme
3. Understand what a "TL" is
4. Concentrate!